Making Quran Learning Effective for Kids
The Holy Book of Quran has a great status in the lives of us Muslims, as it was revealed upon our beloved Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and it consists of countless teachings of Islam, which are a great source of enlightenment to improving one`s life. Due to its significant position in our religion, the hafidh (one who memorizes Furqan e Hameed) also has a great standing among the ummah (followers of the last Prophet PBUH). He is the one who not only remembers Quranic lessons but also serves as a means of educating Muslim kids. As the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT once said:
“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.” (Bukhari)
Although it’s a great activity to gain knowledge of this Divine Scripture, the execution of the second fraction of the above Hadith gets affected through negligence on part of the parties involved in his process. There is very little hand of children in this carelessness. Although they make it difficult for their teachers to instruct properly, they cannot be blamed for it, as they are immature, and their misbehavior is down to their parents` neglect. The major part in this matter is played by the tutor and parents themselves. But it’s not right to put charge specifically someone, as the intensity of slackness varies from case to case. What we can do is establish some effective guidelines for both parties to make the learning process for the young ones useful enough.