What did the Ameerul Momineen Ali as do on the first night of Rajab?
What did the Ameerul momineen Ali as do on the first night of Rajab?!
روى ابو البختري وهب بن وهب عن الصّادق (عليه السلام): عن أبيه، عن جدّه، عن عليّ (عليه السلام) قال : كان يعجبه أن يفرغ نفسه أربع ليال في السّنة، وهي أوّل ليلة من رجب، وليلة النّصف من شعبان، وليلة الفطر، وليلة النّحر .
What did the Commander of the Faithful do on the first night of Rajab?!
Abu Al-Bakhtari Wahb bin Wahb narrated on the authority of Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him): on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather, on the authority of Ali (peace be upon him) who said: He liked to empty himself four nights in the year, which is the first night of Rajab, the middle night of Sha’ban, and the night of al-Fitr , and the Night of Sacrifice.
روي أنَّ الإمام الصادق (ع) أفاد فيما أفاد: أنه إذا كان يوم القيامة نادى منادٍ من بطنان العرش: أين الرجبيون؟ أين الرجبيون؟ فيقوم أناس يُضيء وجوههم لأهل الجنة، على رؤوسهم تيجان، تزفُّهم ملائكة عن يمينهم وعن شمالهم. فيُمنحون الكثير من الكرامات والمِنَح الإلهية، ثم أفاد (ع) بأنَّ هؤلاء إنما استحقوا هذه المِنَح، وهذه الكرامات؛ لأنهم قد صاموا يوما من رجب -من أوله أو وسطه أو آخره-!(1).
Who are the rajabis?
It was narrated that Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) stated what he reported: that if on the Day of Resurrection a caller from the throne room would call out: Where are the Rajabis? Where are the rajabis? So, people will light up their faces for the people of Paradise, crowns on their heads, and angels will adorn them to their right and to their left. They are granted many divine blessings and gifts, then he (peace be upon him) stated that these people only deserved these grants and these honors; Because they have fasted a day in Rajab – from its beginning, middle or end
فضل شهر رجب
ورُوي عن الإمام أبي الحسن موسى بن جعفر (ع) أن َّشهر “رجب شهر عظيم يُضاعِفُ الله فيه الحسنات، ويمحو فيه السيئات، ومَن صام يومًا من رجب تباعدت عنه النار مسيرة سنة”(2). وثمة رواية أخرى عن أهل البيت (ع): “أنَّ الله تعالى -وكرامةً لهذا الشهر الشريف عنده- خلق نهرًا في الجنَّة سمَّاه رجبًا، أشد بياضًا من اللَّبن، وأحلى مذاقًا من العسل، يُعطاه الرجبيُّون حتى الذين صاموا يومًا واحدًا من شهر رجب”(3).
it was narrated on the authority of Imam Abu al-Hasan Musa bin Jaafar (peace be upon him) that the month of “Rajab is a great month in which God multiplies the good deeds and erases the bad ones, and whoever fasts a day in Rajab, the Fire will be separated from him by the distance of a year” (2). There is another narration on the authority of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him): “God Almighty – and in the honor of this honorable month with Him – created a river in Paradise, which he called Rajab, whiter than milk, and sweeter in taste than honey.
Moreover, the merit in this blessed month is not limited to the act of fasting, but rather that many acts of worship have a double reward in this holy month, such as performing Umrah, prayer, recitation of the Qur’an, supplication, intimate conversation, charity, linking the believers, benefiting them, and fulfilling their needs. In fact, every deed is loved by God Almighty. And Allah is double the reward in this honorable month, so spreading salaam is loved, and it has a reward in all other months, but its reward in the month of Rajab is double. But he is the most beloved to God – glorified his name and sanctified – in this honorable month.